Return of expatriates | External Affairs Minister assured government’s intervention

The minister's reply was when Kerala MPs approached him seeking diplomatic intervention in return of expatriates and to resolve the travel ban

Return of expatriates | External Affairs Minister assured government’s intervention

New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has assured that the Union government will intervene in the issue of expatriate Malayalees stranded at home due to a travel ban abroad. The minister’s reply was when Kerala MPs approached him seeking diplomatic intervention in return of expatriates and to resolve the travel ban.

Congress MPs and Muslim League MPs visited the External Affairs Minister and submitted petitions. TN Prathapan MP, VK Sreekandan MP, and Hibi Eden MP told the minister that lakhs of expatriates were trapped in the country. Thirty thousand students studying in China could not return from Kerala. Various Gulf countries have announced travel bans. Many of those stranded at home have had their visas expired. Many lost their jobs. If this situation continues, it will affect the economy of the country.

The MPs also demanded immediate action to facilitate foreign travel for those who have been vaccinated and those with Covid negative certificates. Muslim League MPs ET Mohammad Basheer and MP Abdus Samadani drew the minister’s attention to the fact that expatriates returning home on holiday are finding it difficult to return due to vaccination problems and the lack of direct flights. For those working in countries such as Saudi Arabia, the return trip is not permitted as the vaccination certificate must be attested.

The expatriates were also concerned about the unavailability of precise instructions for attestation. Certificates obtained have to be re-attested even if they have a QR code. The MPs also pointed out that having to travel through a third country at a cost of lakhs as there is no direct air service to countries like India creates a huge financial burden for expatriates. The UDF also demanded assistance to the families of the expatriates who died due to Covid.


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